That girl with the dogs
Welcome to my studio
Proud to offer a variety of professional dog grooming services in a friendly, home environment located in Marysville, Ohio. Your pet's health, safety, and well-being are most important to me.
A little about me
I have been working with dogs for over 10 years. Prior to opening my own grooming business, I worked for three years as an elementary school teacher and part time groomer. After years of training and working under other professional groomers, I finally decided to pursue my passion full-time in 2020. I have two dogs of my own, Winnie and Sampson who I love more than anything in the world, and a cat named Rue. I have an extra soft spot in my heart for extra large dog breeds which has ultimately been the base of my clientele since the beginning. When I'm not working you'll find me traveling with my husband, finding the next top notch brewery or winery, or catching up on the latest reality tv series. |
Why is grooming so important?
Grooming isn't just about maintaining appearances, although that is definitely an added bonus! Grooming is about taking care of your dog's physical health. Brushing, for example, is beneficial for all kinds of dogs no matter what breed they are. Brushing your dog ventilates their coat, helping it grow healthy and strong, and takes away old and damaged hair. As you brush, the natural oils are spread all over your pup’s fur, giving the coat a healthy sheen. Another benefit of grooming is that your groomer is likely to recognize abnormalities before you do. This includes skin problems such as ticks, fleas and dry patches; or issues with their nails, teeth, ears, and eyes such as infection or inflammation. When found at an early stage, these problems can be treated right away, allowing your dog to live a longer, healthier, and happier life. |